Let’s make a collage!

Age group

3-5 yrs

Number of children:

3-7 ppl

Areas it develops: sensory development, hand-eye coordination, using of tools, fine-motor skills

During this game we create a collage using different papers and techniques. Collage is an approachable material that can decrease resistance and increase the opportunity for self-expression. The material eliminates the pressure of making the artwork look perfect by using realistic images. A collage can be used to explore themes of friends, family, self-identity, wishes, hopes, fantasies, fears, likes and dislikes.

Sensory based creative art activities are commonly used to develop and increase imagination and strengthen fine motor skills. These activities also aid in helping children practice decision making skills and explore creative expression. When done in a group setting, these activities help to increase socialization skills, increase self-regulation and awareness of others and explore shared spaces by creating an extension of the self to others.


  • magazines
  • postcards
  • wrapping paper
  • etc.
  • scissors
  • glue

Make collage


Let’s use magazines, postcards, wrapping paper. Initially let’s categorize the papers together by texture and by how easy it is to cut them. Then, all children choose a couple they would like to use, later we discuss the steps: what should be done first, second… If it’s necessary the adult can write down the steps or can draw them on a large piece of paper. Everyone does their collages.

Pro tip: Getting kids to touch sticky stuff: contact paper or cling wrap (plastic wrap). These are great transition materials, and the child can try to place pieces of tissue paper or magazine pictures onto these different textures. Getting their fingers to occasionally tap down on these paper substitutes will help ease them into the feel and texture of sticky substances. Helping them peel foam stickers to decorate an art piece can also expose them to “the sticky” while maintaining the fun!

Discuss our collages


Then there is group discussion and evaluation and the placement of the pieces on the walls.
The final pieces should stay up on the walls until something new arrives to replace them.

Group collage


Have an assortment of pictures and words cut out from magazines. On a large piece of paper draw a pizza pie, providing one “slice” per person in the group. Everyone fills in their “slice” or section that best represents his or herself.
This activity is very beneficial as it provides space for the individual to represent themselves, while being a part of the whole.

Pro tip: For those children who usually don’t complete art activities. Depending on the child’s attention span, alternate the art activity with a sensory activity such as sand tray play or squeezing some modeling clay or salt dough. Some kids simply cannot sit for extended periods of time, so the focus should be to increase their attention span through a non-conventional mode of art making. In those cases, perhaps, tape a large mural paper on a wall. This allows or the child to expand on their kinesthetic need of moving, jumping, and reaching, while still engaging in the art activity. You can also tape a large piece of paper underneath a table while the child lies on a mat or foam wedge as they paint or color. The new perspective can be fun for the whole child group.

Group puzzle


Another option for this theme is to create a group puzzle. Each person decorates his/her puzzle piece and then the group comes together to put the puzzle together!