by Csenge Beleznai | Jun 1, 2021
Areas it develops: cause-effect relations, sensory integration, perception-detection, fine-motor skills, identification Experimentation is a huge adventure for children! I wonder what will happen…? Mixing colours is like magic: we turn two colours into a third, new...
by Csenge Beleznai | May 28, 2021
Areas it develops: language skills, vocabulary, fine-motor skills, larger movements, cause-effect relations, learning about the world This game introduces children to the world of animals, but it’s great because it is easily adjustable to other topics too. These...
by Csenge Beleznai | May 28, 2021
Areas it develops: getting familiar with different materials, learning about the world, perception, cause-effect relations, fine motor-skills, using of tools. This game can be played in pairs which also helps with cooperation, being active together and communication....
by Csenge Beleznai | May 28, 2021
Areas it develops: perception, detection, cause-effect relations, eye-hand coordination This activity is about making mini bites together so that the kids can get familiar with different tastes and food textures. This game is a great way for children to learn that...
by Csenge Beleznai | May 5, 2021
These educational and kinesthetic activities make the discovering a big fun. Sensory play sparks imagination, allowing a child to investigate the boundaries of the five senses-hear, smell, sight, touch, and taste. The exposure to various textures has a positive impact...
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